about me

hello there
My name's Alison and I'm serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Vanuatu! I am on Ambae, a northern island next to Santo. I live in Lotahimamavi which means fire water in local language - there's a tide pool where the ocean meets a hot spring in my back yard! My primary assignment is teaching English to the kids at my school, but I've got plenty of time to explore the bush and hang out with my host family. Island life is refreshing!
Vanuatu (vah-noo-ah-too) is a set of 82 islands in the South Pacific right along the ring of fire between Fiji and Australia. It has over 100 local languages, but one pidgin that lets everyone communicate - Bislama. 
My dates of service are January 2014 until March 2016. Here's to all the adventures we can fit in there!

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