It is an undeniable act of fate or luck or destiny or whatever force explains The Way Things Are that our paths crossed. My mama and papa are two smart, driven, carefree, and generous people that will forever leave a mark on me. I knew that from the time I met them. Their warm smiles and contagious laughs make them easy to be around and I am happy to call them family. The conversation ended with a shared appreciation of the beauty of the world's workings. And a good night's sleep.
This idea always brings me back to one of my favorite poems, Desiderata by Max Ehrmann. I keep a printed copy of it and of If by Rudyard Kipling (my other favorite poem) with me and read them often. The whole of Desiderata is fantastic, but one part always hits me and I've referred back to it many times in my own self reflection.
"You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the stars - you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should."
Wow. There it goes again, hitting me. The talk with my parents about how [insert word that means the same thing as awesome or amazing, but not as cheesy] the world is to make us meet in Lotahimamavi, East Ambae, Republic of Vanuatu led me to think about my own path here. How precise and intricate and many times unclear my journey was to lead me to this place and give me the most impactful experience of my life thus far. And only for this step, and all the smaller steps and lessons within it, to influence the next one and the next one as I continue to learn and connect and grow.
life is good.
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