Sunday, 27 July 2014

kakae part 2


I'll start this entry with the banana song that I sing at least once a week because the kids go nuts (I wasn't going to say bananas) over it. Just another good ol camp song 

Bananas come together! Bananas separate! And now you... 
Go bananas, go go bananas (x2)
Nao yu pilim ko lo left, yu pilim ko lo raet
Yu pilim ko lo midel, afta - mmm kakae! mmm kakae!

They're usually shy going bananas during the first round of singing, so this forces the song leader (you guessed it, me) to go extra super bananas. This encourages full banana-going during the second time around. And trust me, you never sing the banana song just once

My lovely friend Laura has taught me some cooking tricks and given me bigfala inspiration to experiment with whatever's around. During training we made tacos for our counterparts, so I've been making tortillas here and filling them with whatever's growing! The first family taco night (I use the word taco lightly considering it's not good ol fashioned Mexican tacos at site) I made susut (tastes like zucchini) onion pepper tacos with spicy salsa and papaya salad. Next I made kumala (sweet potato) tacos with a citrusy salsa. Round 3 was fish and lobster tacos with the another mix of salsa. Everything has been delicious! My perception of the actual tastes might be clouded by my excitement for cooking, but everyone cleared their plates which is something to be happy about! When I made spaghetti in training, my family tried a bite and then just stated at it as if I had just served themmermaid guts. 

So tortillas are pretty easy and always satisfying. And I use the leftover ones for breakfast tacos! Next time the butcher has mince meat, I'm cooking real deal tacos - my mama hasn't stopped talking about them since Vila town! And cilantro. She says she's never tasted anything like it, so I'll have to find some seeds for our garden. 

I've been using my bush kitchen a lot lately! I usually boil water in the morning for coffee and put it in the thermos for a cup of afternoon tea (and round 2 of coffee, gotta make those grounds last!) or add to my bucket bath water for a hot swim! I call bush kitchen time "campfire delight" because at camp that's what we'd call building a fire and roasting marshmallows with a bunch of kids. 

When it comes to things other than water, cooking can be tricky. It's not just starting and maintaining the fire, but also managing the heat so that you don't crispy fry everything. I really enjoy my daily campfire delight! On Mondays during work party, the kids will collect firewood and dry coconut leaves for me. The leaves are the best kindling and virtually endless in coconut country! Coconut husks burn wonderfully, too, and make great tools for earth ovens. I've gotta write a whole entry on coconut trees and their uses because it's pretty unbelievable! 

A funny last side note - Laura was on a ridiculous quiche kick for the last few months. However, she has now confirmed that frittata is the new quiche! So I must trust her and continue learning her ways in the bush kitchen. 

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